“It does not matter how awesome your product is or your presentation or your post. Your awesome thing matters ONLY to the extent that it serves the user’s ability to be a little more awesome.”
I stumbled across this quote from Kathy Sierra and it struck me how important this rule is for social media, yet how rarely it’s followed.
There’s a lot of social media soul searching happening right now in the world of marketing. Facebook’s dismal stock performance is bringing out the naysayers of social media in general.
While soul searching, it’s important to consider not just the merits of social media in general but also how social media can be used in particular. Social media is not a magic bullet. It’s an enabler. Social media won’t make an antisocial brand suddenly social. But it can facilitate and amplify the role that brands play with their audiences.
Whether in social media or any other domain, we need to focus less on how “awesome” we are and more on working toward making our customer’s more “awesome”.
(Marketoonist Monday: I’m giving away one signed print of this week’s cartoon. Just share an insightful comment to this week’s post by 5:00 PST on Monday. I’ll pick one comment. Thanks!)